12/02/2013 Arusha.

SERENGETI National Park was declared the best of the seven New Natural Wonders of Africa as all the three entries from Tanzania made it to the coveted seven.

Announcing the new ‘Seven Wonders’ of nature here, the President and Founder of the Texas (US)-based ‘New Seven Wonders,’ Dr Philip Imler, revealed that though the seven wonders are not ranked in positions, Serengeti stood out due to its legendary, spellbinding largest migration of large mammals.

Ngorongoro Crater, found within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, and described as ‘The Bowl’ in which a variety of wildlife live,' was also voted among the Seven Wonders of Nature while Mount Kilimanjaro, which is Africa's highest mountain, became the third entry from the country.

Lees het volledige artikel op: http://www.privesafari.com/serengeti-the-best-of-the-seven-new-natural-wonders-of-africa/